This Thursday, June 14, Jared Platt is doing a 3 day workshop on how to speed up your Lightroom 4 workflow. As always with creativeLIVE events, the online workshop is free to watch live (so sign up for that now) and then the video recordings of that workshop cost $150 to download after the event ends. Click the full post for more details on how you can watch this intensive tutorial for free this coming weekend.
Jared Platt is a wedding and lifestyle photographer out of Phoenix, Arizona. He has made a successful business documenting people's weddings and families but also has a nice commercial lifestyle portfolio. In this class Jared teaches you how to quickly and efficiently blaze through your images from each event or photoshoot. Some of the topics he covers are increasing your speed in Lightroom 4, Adjustment Techniques, Plugins, Tricks and Tips, and Jered will also teach you how to critique your own portfolio so your website can grab and hold the attention of your potential clients.
Sign up for the Live tutorial below and watch the entire event for free. If you know you cannot log in this weekend, CreativeLIVE is offering $50.00 off if you buy the download before the event starts which is a substantial savings if you need training on Lightroom 4.
You would think someone so self indulged would do a better job recording himself. Sheesh, record in a tin can much?
That audio really bothers you that bad? After hearing so many BTS videos with unbearable audio, I would consider this pretty good. The guys at CL are awesome with their production (esp considering it's live) so it should sound great over the course of the workshop.
With respect...Mind your manners Cory. It's about content and I hear Jared loud and clear, so should you.
FStoppers, with seminars or workshops in general, do you guys have any partners in the UK which do this sort of thing?
I can sure use tutorials on workflow. I still think I can get things done more efficiently without compromising a professional presentation.
2am - 9am in Australia... guess its gonna be a late night.
They do a re-watch after the live show ends, so you can tune in at 9am and watch from the start :)
Is LR4 still slower than LR3?
LR4 sucks major balls. Stay away while you can.
This is such an awesome workshop/class so many things that make sense and will make my life easier. It's for unleashing the power of LR so good :-). Thanks for spreading the word :-) a lot of lifes will change as a result of seeing this have a great one
Jared Platt's creativeLIVE workshop has been awesome... I have learned so much about Lightroom 4 that I had no idea about and am looking forward to cutting my editing time WAY down (and it is only day 1)... leave it to the creativeLIVE folks to bring another fantastic instructor to the entire world for free... and the opportunity to purchase a great course for an affordable price. I already snagged this deal so I can refer back to the tons of information that has already been shared... still 2 more days to watch and learn!
Loving Jared's creativeLIVE workshop on Lightroom and I cannot wait to see how this evenings shoot turns out! I love that Jared also waits to "kill" his images after he has edited them. I am learning so much and I know that we all are going to continue to learn more! I am hoping that those individuals that are afraid of Lightroom are tuning in as well as those of us that love it!
The Jared Platt's CL workshop has been awesome so far!!!
As I watched Jared Platt on, It came apparent why I have so much trouble with my work flow. Jared is all about working smarter, not harder. I had so many hand to the forehead moments I may have to seek medical attention. 2 more days to go.. can't wait.
I've only been able to watch bits & pieces today but already I've learned enough to make me tempted to buy the workshop.
LR4 sucks major balls. Stay away while you can.
Jared is making Lightroom make complete sense and then some!