Announcing the Fstoppers Community Photographer of the Year and Upcoming Awards for 2016: Win a Tutorial of Your Choice!

Announcing the Fstoppers Community Photographer of the Year and Upcoming Awards for 2016: Win a Tutorial of Your Choice!

We're proud of the community we've built here at Fstoppers. We frequently spend a lot of time perusing your photos, admiring your talent and vision, and finding ways to feature it, whether that be in the Photo of the Day, on the official Fstoppers Instagram, or in other ways. Now, we've decided to honor the best of the best and we need your help!

Best of 2015

Over the last week, the Fstoppers staff picked some of their favorite photographers from the community, whose talent, creativity, and commitment to the highest standards set their work apart and make them unforgettable. 

Staff Pick

We're very pleased to announce that Pierre Turtaut has been selected as the staff pick for the Fstoppers Photographer of the Year! Pierre's portraits showcase technical mastery with an original creative vision, with impeccable attention to color and detail. While I've shared a few of my personal favorites of his, I highly recommend you check out his full portfolio!


Reader's Choice

Now, we'll turn to you, the Fstoppers Community, to help us choose the Reader's Choice Winner for 2015. Check out the amazing work of these six photographers and cast your vote at the bottom. Be sure to check out their full portfolios by clicking on their names! Voting is open until January 6th at 12 p.m. EST.

Ted Gore:


Pierre Turtaut:


Peter Coulson:


Georgi Andinov:


Sean Archer:


Sebastian Colibar:


Photographer of the Month Awards for 2016

Beginning in January, we'll be selecting a photographer of the month. Each month, we'll cull the best of the most recent photos in the community and select our favorite, featuring that photographer's work. At the end of the year, we'll select an overall winner from the twelve monthly winners, who will win a tutorial of their choice from the Fstoppers store. Here are the rules:

  1. You must have uploaded an image to your portfolio in the past 60 days to be selected.
  2. For the year-end award, you must have remained active in the Fstoppers community by uploading an image at least once every 60 days.

Remember that the more you interact by posting photos, rating other images, and commenting on articles, photos and group discussions, the higher your karma score will be and the more your work will appear in the community. So, get out there, post some photos, and check out the work of the talented Fstoppers community! We're pleased to have you here.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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A bit of false advertising here methinks... photographer of the year, and then a picture of an expensive Hasselblad camera. But the price is a "tutorial of your choice". :D Anyway, all photographers mentioned are amazing, all worthy of a tutorial of your choice =)

I agree with Joakim. But since I have to choose one ... not as easy as you think.

Thank you, guys! )

The irony is that the people who would benefit from free Fstoppers tutorials would be the winners of the "Worst Photographer of the Year" ;)

Congrats to all finalists!