
The helicopter, bike, and cars are all scale model toys. The person on the bike is real and the the beach is in Oregon. I spent about 12 hours building, prepping, and shooting the toys. About an hour with the model and 10 more hours in Photoshop putting it all together.

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Here is a making of time-lapse


Excelent work Travis!!!

Thank you!

Mate that is excellent work and heaps of detail well done would be a great wallpaper on my laptop

Thanks man!

Perfectly made!

Thank you.

Well worth the time! Such a good result!

Thank you very much.

Looks good. Only thing I would add is the global focal length. Meaning unless your at f22, not everything is in focus. I see this even with movie poster and it drives me nuts. I shoot cosplayers at f8 so I have to make the composite elements share that by adding various degrees of lens blur. Helps to sell the realism.