Frank Ginn's picture

Bobcat in the Wild

We were leaving a photo spot, when I spotted this "kitty" warming himself with the sunlight in a large field. I slowly pulled as close as I dared, turned off the engine and slowly got out, leaving the front door open, now the trick to open the rear door to gain access to my camera, I left this door open as well. I slowly moved to the backside of our truck and lined up the camera and clicked a shot. Now I had his attention, and he was looking right at me, he also seemed to tense up a bit, I clicked this shot! By now there were two other vehicles leaving the location, they had not seen him, nor were they paying any particular mind to their speed as the dust was flying up behind them. The bobcat bolted and dashed down hill - right towards the road, I gasped as he literally flew across the road, I doubt the lead vehicle ever saw him as he ducted over the other side of the road and out of sight. He had made it. I had to stop and pause about my choice to stop to photograph after witnessing this near miss. It is a wonder to behold these amazing animals in their natural environment and to have the opportunity to photograph them, but there needs to be some caution and thought, and common sense when doing this too.

Nikon D500
850mm · f/9.5 · 1/200 sec. · ISO 200
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I had the 1.7x teleconverter along with the 200-500mm lens to get to 850mm effective focal length, and the cropped sensor camera.