
Shot this with the FujiFilm X-Pro1 and the 35mm 1.4 at 2.8/ISO 200/Shutter: 1/125/ Einstein at unknown power (Sorry) Edited in Capture One and then in PS.

This is one from a series of photo's that I really like from that set. I know some people will find the pose questionable but oh well. I am overall pretty happy with the separation I got from the back ground by bringing out the highlight from the strobe.

FujiFilm X-Pro1
FujiFilm X-Pro1
35mm · f/2.8 · 1/125 · ISO 200
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I actually really dig the pose. Well done.

Is that a tiny sliver of her hand behind her abdomen, or does she just have bony hips? That's the only part I don't like about it. If we could see more of her hand, or part of her left arm, it would be stronger (for me, anyway). But the pose itself is great, and the color and lighting are superb.