Projecteo: The Tiny Instagram Projector

Projecteo: The Tiny Instagram Projector

Like it or not, Instagram isn't going anywhere. I personally love Instagram because I can snap a photo, post it, and share it with everyone who follows me in less than a minute. With that being said though, I do miss the times I spent as a kid, looking at projected slide film with my family on the holidays. Now thanks to Projecteo I can have those times back again!

Projecteo is a new company on Kickstarter. They have a few days left on their funding mission, but have already reached their goal of $18,000. Projecteo is a tiny projector and you utilize their website to create wheels of slides using your own Instagram photos. There is still time left to secure a projector for a $25 pledge, or a Rollei inspired limited edition projector for a $40 pledge, so book it on over to their site and preorder one of these today!

Check out their Kickstarter page for more detailed info and ordering options!



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I want one