Critique the Community

Images Taken During Quarantine

Submit Your Best Image Taken During Quarantine
  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 09 Apr 20 02:45:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • Voting is closed.

  • Congratulations to the winners!

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Today we are going to try something different. Instead of critiquing some of your best images, we are asking photographers to submit only images they have created during their quarantined time from this coronavirus pandemic. We aren't setting any specific genre so you can submit any type of photograph or art but we do ask you only submit images you have created in the last few weeks.

All entries must be submitted by April 8th at 11:45pm Eastern Time, and this time we are going to give away a free Fstoppers Tutorial to every submission selected for our critique episode. We will still leave voting open so we can see what you the community thinks of each image, but again, EVERY SINGLE IMAGE selected will win a free tutorial.

We can't wait to see what you come up with, and everyone from Fstoppers hopes you guys are staying safe and in good spirits during this difficult time.

  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 09 Apr 20 02:45:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • Voting is closed.

  • 821 people have cast a total of 59,160 votes on 974 submissions from 679 contestants.
  • Congratulations to the winners!

    View Results

Previous comments

Votes should reflect the concept of the contest. For example, a "joy" photo from last week I would hedge my vote either up or down based on the theme. If it is a 2 star image, but it captured "joy" well I would go to a 3. Or a decent 2 star image but no "Joy" to be found would make it more of a 1 to me. Same here. If you are obviously disobeying the quarantine (and the rules of this weeks contest), why should your image get more than a 1 or 2 star vote?

Seriously, I cannot believe some of those images were created during this quarantine time.

what makes you believes that? here in Germany we still are allowed to have walk or do sports alone(!!) or with members of the household(!!) :D

Why do people freak out with every new "Critique the Community" contest? Everyone doesn't rate images by a "fair" standard or perhaps their ego doesn't allow them to give higher ratings than their own images.

Either way, how about simply submitting your image and let others do what seems best to them? Some of us operate at higher standards than others, some like playing in the mud. I hope that everyone is staying safe and taking this time to be with their loved ones and learn something new.

Seriously some low star rating voters already. Someone else already said it... sheesh. It’s the story, composition, etc. Im not saying my work is 4-5 stars but damn. I wouldn’t have changed anything. Execution is well. Lighting is on point. Smh... sad.

I have been following F stoppers for a long time, but just now submitted for the first time, also reading the comments for the first time... Why so angry? Why so toxic?

this :D man, exactly this

I agree, let's judge, be judged and just have some fun!

With wildlife photography being my favorite subject to shoot, the stay at home orders have been hard. But luckily we have some cool wildlife that I've found in my backyard. While some people may not believe that the photos were shot while staying at home, I can definitely say that my two photos were taken in my backyard just a few days ago. I've been trying to spend more time outside in the backyard to stay sane, watching the birds in the feeders and practicing small bird photography.

in my backyard only birding is an option :D

but i sold my 150-600 XD

It is the first time I entered a contest ever and not sure I will again. I wish people who voted low ratings would tell you why they did. I am trying to get better so I would love to know what I need to work on.

Don't let people defeat you. It is indeed highly frustrating. Share your work, vote on other work, have fun with the process. In the end all this voting only selects a single (highest voted) to be selected, but the other 19 or 20 selections are by the owners of the site.

They do it to everyone, don’t worry about it.

Hard mode

No mask
No self composing yourself a bunch of times in one room
No toilet paper.

Hm, seeing that one of my photos (dude in mask and fur coat) is going down more and more, almost to 2. Just curious, if you've rated it 1 or 2 - could you please tell me why in comment or direct message? I really want to know. I'm just starting learning flash photography and portraits so I'd love to know. Please? 🤷‍♂️

This community is honest full of trolls.

Haha, yeah I get it and that's ok :)) I was wondering if there were some normal people who rated it 1 and 2 that could point my mistakes.

Ya i posted something that wasn't the best as a photo .. but had a good story .. and I got a set of ones (a self portrait with lighting and edited). LOL

Wrote a comment here, but then copy/pasted to the portfolio picture.

Hey guys,
I really do appreciate the people who leave a thoughtful comment and reason for their rating on my entry. However I would also just like to request if you believe my work is a snap shot or needs work please let me know where so that I can improve.

I just join these for fun. The ratings are typically hit or miss. I don’t ever really expect to get high marks. I’ve had some pretty basic images rated high, then some pretty solid images rated super low. The fact is, people aren’t really going by the rating system or they’re not understanding the rating system. I went from winning the last critique “joy” to this week getting 1 star ratings on an image that by fstoppers definition couldn’t possibly be 1 Star. It is what it is. Let’s just have fun and keep creating!

A lot of people give 1 stars because they don't know how to f***ing rate photos. I see photos that are not mine getting 1 stars! HOW!? this is just stupid now. can we find out who these ass holes are and ban them from voting?

I completely understand. Photos that have 3.5 stars on my portfolio do not even have a 2 in this contest. To get an accurate idea without people being rude, I have been adding 1 to my score.

I was thinking of taking a pic of my lounge and then photoshopping an image of the milky way onto the ceiling...that always seems to go down well on here !! 😂😂

Oops..!!!....all ready hit a potential problem.......don't have Photoshop!!😮🤐🤐🤐


A good image should stand out with or without PS. Why you did not submit an image without PS?

Hi Felix....I was being sarcastic..and the only version of Photoshop I have is the free express version which doesn't have layers or is very basic....

I’m happy to be part of an amazing group of people with Love of photography. We must continue to look at the beauty around us. We do have control of our emotions and I choose to be happy and a bright light for all of Humanity.

have submissions closed early, by my reckoning there was 30 minutes left?

People do have more than a week to submit though, why wait till the last minute? Just asking.

because that way you can have less 2 and 1 star votes. i'm guessing quite a lot of people wait for last minutes and ask their contacts to vote high. i just don't care to be honest. i post my images once i see the competition is up and let people freely judge it. But i'm pretty sure quite a lot of people do this.

Not saying George did this. I'm saying lots do for sure.

Interesting, would have never thought of that. I too post when I see what the subject is, and I actually have something that corresponds to it.

on the last critique the community Patrick and Lee make a few comments kinda of stating that the winning image was clearly far from being the best and hinted that it might have been uploaded late.

Someone closed voting also instead of closing only new submissions. Some submissions without any votes :(.

I have send both Patrick and Lee PMs via fstoppers to fix it (which was no fun, cause profile search do not work). Let's see if they are going to fix this issue.

nm :)

Lee Morris Patrick Hall Can we get a reverse chronological sort on the voting list?

If you come here with 1000+ images in the bag, it's almost impossible for a dork like myself to see a good selection.


Contest Submissions

Click on the thumbnails below to comment and vote on each image.

Click here to learn about the Fstoppers rating system and what each star value means.