Critique the Community

Submit Your Photos From Iceland

  • Submission Deadline: Sun, 06 Oct 19 17:00:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

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For our next critique, we want to see your favorite images from Iceland. 

Unlike other critiques, for this one, we will be choosing multiple images taken from the same location by different photographers. This will allow us to see the same location with different lighting, weather, and processing. 

We will allow up to six submissions from each photographer. 

Prizes: The highest-rated image and one random image will win a free tutorial from the Fstoppers Store.

  • Submission Deadline: Sun, 06 Oct 19 17:00:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • Voting is closed.

  • 274 people have cast a total of 17,789 votes on 646 submissions from 186 contestants.
  • Congratulations to the winners!

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Well...I'm going to assume this won't be a large pool of photos. LOL.

large pools of water, more so.

Next one, only photos taken from the moon.

FROM the moon?! Would love to see that

Seriously!?!? Yeah, because everyone has been to Iceland. Lol.

Not everybody shoot portraits.
Not everybody do product photography.
Also there are people who don't do macro... Should I continue?
Are you expecting that every contest should be tailored to your thing in photography?

Calm down killer. It was a joke. Lighten up.

Everyone has the ability to do all those things though. Not everyone has the ability to travel to Iceland. Apples to oranges my dude.

While this is true, there will be other ctc’s that we will be able to enter. Not a big deal.

In the same spirit as this one, how about for the next one, photos from National Parks.

A free tutorial for quite rich people...


I don't have anything against rich people. I just find it a pity to offer a free tutorial to people that can clearly afford it (Iceland is probably one of the most expensive travel destination for photography) while it could benefit to people with a lower budget by proposing a less elitist photography topic. Not to mention that Iceland has been too much covered already. For instance as mentioned above,"National Parks" would be a topic most of the people could join without needing thousand of kilometers of plane...And it could bring some fresh new landscapes as well!

I would hardly call Iceland the "most expensive travel destination". Round trip tickets from Oregon can be had for less than $600. If you live in Europe they are less than $200.

I've done 2 different 10 day long trips in Iceland that cost less than $1700. As far as international trips go (from America), that isn't even close to the most expensive.

This is going to be boring. Iceland used to be the land of geyser. Now it’s the land of yellow/red jacket in front of a waterfall. Let’s not forget the usual cliches: Kirkjufell and the Icelanding horse. If I see anything fresh here I will be shocked.

I don't think the point of this next critique is about 'finding something fresh', it's about comparing how different photographers have artistically interpreted the same locations, or that's what I understood. You couldn't do that if the topic was 'the world' - you might get one or two of the same location. I think this is quite a novel CTC.

The point of this critique is to to find the best looking cliche. That's all.

I'm hoping they do pick out a couple of fresh shots as that's all I'll be submitting.

I was fortunate to travel to Iceland for work and spend a couple down days after taking photos. Yes it is inexpensive to get to Iceland, but once there everything is expensive. Especially the beer! That said, it is to bad that when people travel now days they try to replicate the same photos they see on Instagram instead of a new perspective.

I see a lot of photos in here so far that look fairly generic/instagram ish. Not saying I am immune to this either, but just an observation. It would be interesting to do this with another popular destination and have in the contest state if you are local or tourist and compare the results.

Seems like everybody and their mothers have visited Iceland. Now for a serious note: please introduce Lightroom style image rating. 1-5 and the option to auto go to the next image after giving a rating (just like having CAPSLOCK on in Lightroom). Saves so much time.

Dumbass question. Can I take a photo inside the US Irish Embassy since it's irish soil?

Hmmmm I think you're gonna want to reread the rules of this contest... slowly

It may have been done already, but I would like to see Drone/Arial photography for the next critique.

It's been done a few times but I'm sure we will do it again soon.

Next time photos taken in the alps? Would be great!

Photos from Ireland would be a good one.

Contest Submissions

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