Critique the Community

Color Grading

Submit your best color graded image for your chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial
  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 07 Feb 19 04:45:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

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Community Avg
1.57 - "Needs Work" 

Upside down on purpose- candid commentary welcome.

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I guess this is a play on the genre of photos of people or places reflected in puddles where the image is rotated 180 degrees to show the subject right-side-up. Except this is just a normal photo turned upside-down. My question is: Why? What is the point? I could totally see if there was an airplane flying upside down and inverting the image showed the plane in normal flight, but there is nothing about the clouds, wires, or trees that says, "Look at me a different way and you'll be surprised."

Thanks Phillip and other voters and commenters- to be honest, I was trying to straighten the photo, flipped it too far by accident, and then was struck by how similar the telephone lines looked like "skyway-highways" on top of the clouds- so I kept it.

Maybe compositing birds inside your “skyway-highways” might make your idea more… graspable.