This is exactly the kind of day that I love taking wedding portraits on best.
Silver light makes raindrops sparkle and magnify the colors of the leaves and trees.
This portrait of Andrey and Kristina was captured on a wet October morning in the Blue Ridge Mountains during the remnants of a tropical storm.
We hiked up the trail in the rain that day just to get their pictures taken in an epic outdoor location and they asked me if I thought that they were crazy for wanting to do that.
I told them that I didn’t think so, in fact I was so happy to be there with them I could barely contain my excitement!
Tbh, I have never felt more grateful to be shooting wedding portraits than in the second that I took this exact picture.
Cold, wet and feeling the effects of hikers adrenaline, my hands shook as I set my exposure and shutter speed.
Yet, I was at peace.
Knowing exactly what to do and being able to see the finished portrait before I even pressed the button.
100% in my natural element, wishing that I could be in that exact scenario every weekend.