Critique the Community

Submit Your Best Swimwear or Resort Wear Photos!

With With Joey Wright
Critique the Community: Commercial Beachwear
  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 16 Oct 19 02:45:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • Voting is closed.

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    View Results

Community Avg
2.44 - "Needs Work" 
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Why the low rating on this one? You see shots just like this published in Vogue every month.

Could have widen the frame a bit so the elbow can fit it. Also a very weird angle for the head.

The color and retouching is good. Just the posing for me is what bothers me.

I hear you, but you, (and most who voted on this image,) are likely applying classic portrait composition rules to what is actually a 'Fashion Edge,' image. Pickup any fashion mag and you'll find 20 published images with this kind of framing and posing. Up angles and cut off edges to make the viewer feel at intimate distance with a superior subject. These are conscious artistic choices based on psychology, not the mistakes of a beginner portraitist. I love your portfolio by the way. Real clean and upscale.

First of all, I didn't vote any.

And yes, I know what you're saying regarding composition for fashion. I'm actually just suggesting a very minimal adjustment on the framing and posing. Because I wouldn't even comment if it was that bad. My eye got hooked to the image the moment I saw it.

Thank you also for the appreciation of my work. I think you have a more compelling portfolio! :)

(Also, I do work for fashion magazines)