Critique the Community

Submit Your Most Unique Photo

  • Submission Deadline: Sun, 05 Jan 20 18:00:00 +0000

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1.39 - "Snap Shot" 

Memorial statue for those who lost there lives in Iwo Jima during the second world war. Atribute to those who protected our country from tyranny!

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I can't leave a rating less than three without leaving a comment as to why.

Exposure, what are you trying to show? The exposure is in the sky. I can see the clouds, the chemtrails, all the details of the sky.

Looking at what you wrote about the image, you are trying to show the statue. The problem is all I see basically an outline of a statue. There is a little bit of the pants exposed in the image.

We see the words on what appears to be the base of the statue, but we don't know for sure. It could be words and imagery you added in post-processing.

There are a couple of possible ways to have captured this image and show both the sky and the statue. The first would be to take multiple images changing the exposure to expose for the various parts of the image and stacked them in Lightroom or Photoshop. The second would be to use some sort of lighting, flash, reflector, etc... to light the statue.

The theme of this contest is, "most unique photo". This is not that unique of an image.

Thank you for the reply.

I wanted the main exposure for the photo to be focused on the sky and the silhouette of the statue on the blue sky with the chem trails. I brought out the wording on the statue to emphasis the meaning of the statue. Keeping the statue dark emphasizing the tragedy of the battle.

Unique is a very opinionated word and In my view, I thought ghis was one of my most unique photos I have taken.

Thank you so much for the feedback. I have only been shooting for little over a year an am trying to learn as much as I can with comments like your own.

Thanks so much!!

I have a difficult time with shots of other peoples artwork in a competition. It's a tough one because it is an amazing piece of art that should be shown, yet I am not sure that a shot like this adds enough uniqueness to the sculpture to warrant it being considered its own unique piece.

It is more like a shot documenting someone else's art.

I understand that view. Never thought of it like that.