Critique the Community

Travel Photos

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  • Submission Deadline: Fri, 20 Mar 20 16:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.31 - "Needs Work" 

Bridge of Sighs, located in Venice Italy

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I think you're photo is technically quite good. There's a simple elegance to it, and my eye is drawn all around the frame.

I also feel like I want there to be something else in here. Something that holds my attention maybe? Also, minor detail, but check for keystoning around your edges. You can see a slight break on the right hand of the frame and your windows on the left could be more vertical. Overall, great photo.

Thank you for the critique, it's nice to have some solid input on a photo. I didn't even notice the windows, thank you.

You're welcome. I try to critique where I can. What good is a rating without some information behind the reasoning?