Critique the Community

Images Taken During Quarantine

Submit Your Best Image Taken During Quarantine
  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 09 Apr 20 02:45:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • Voting is closed.

  • Congratulations to the winners!

    View Results

Community Avg
3.19 - "Solid" 
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Great shot, Thomas đź‘Ť

thank you mark!

Awesome image!

thank you matthew!

I don't see how this is a 4 star. Its really confusing, the mug in front covers the bean bag but its out of focus an the bean bag is in focus but gets covered in an unnatural way or rather without any purpose. Its a 2 Star for me since I think this needs work. Maybe focus stacking the mug would make it better?

Its a nice concept and in parts really nice with the smoke and "action" but not quite there I think.
And now you can purge me and tell me why I'm wrong =P

I believe the picture is nowhere near perfect, and there are some things I would like to change there. But if you respond to this picture then it probably has something in it, yes there is some problem with the focus but on the other hand it actually gave dimension to the picture in my opinion. I didn't tell you to put 4 stars, that's your decision.

Well if you check I actually respond to quite a few pictures here. Also maybe think about that I was also talking to other people besides you, no need to get defensiv. I know you didn't tell me to put anything and if you read carefully I even say that it "has something". It would be nice to see that people just take feedback instead of fighting it.
Sorry for giving feedback and suggestions on how to improve your picture, how could I...

Listen, in your response you sound complaining so my response accordingly.I am always happy to receive reviews and learn from the others but there is a way to submit things, your "feedback" wasn't professional at all. have a nice day


Well done!


It's all about the beans, Larry!