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1.89 - "Needs Work" 

Impeachment managers from the House of Representatives walk the Articles of Impeachment for President Trump from the House to the Senate.

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1 Comment

I tried not to post this image with too much commentary--more of a documentary photograph of a relevant historic moment (though clearly not an exceptional image as you can see from the rating!).

But since you bring it up... I'll take the bait.

I'm not sure there's any reasonable doubt at this point that Trump solicited foreign interference in the 2020 election, especially if you "read the transcript" as Trump demanded everyone do--it's laid out in plain English. Even setting aside Mulvaney's statements of confirmation and Romney's historic vote to remove Trump from office, see too the somewhat inexplicable "yes he did it, but I'm still voting no" statements from Alexander, Rubio, Collins, Murkowski, etc.

We can sit here and debate the merits of the various policies of Trump and his administration. But I'd hope that we'd be able to agree on the fact that using the power of a public office--let alone the most powerful office in the most influential nation on the planet--to solicit foreign interference in a domestic election (whether it be the U.S., Bulgaria, or anywhere else you call home) is fundamentally contrary to the democratic institutions that we rely on.

Hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy, and enjoy your Sunday evening (or Sunday night in Bulgaria?).