7 Tips for Shooting on Film in 2020

Film photography may have taken a nose dive in relevance within the industry, but it's no less fun than it once was. With a lot of film stock options, now is as good a time as any to give it a go.

Film photography is something I believe every photographer ought to try at least once. If you've only ever known digital, which is more and more often the case these days, then the whole process can seem alien. It is, however, highly rewarding and enjoyable.

I started buying old film cameras simply because I liked the aesthetic. It wasn't necessarily my intention to shoot with them all — and I haven't — but I still wanted them as ornaments and relics of the industry I both work in and love. Inevitably though, I bought some film and took some shots for the first time nearly a decade ago, and while my first images were underwhelming, I did love the process.

Shooting analog is far more tactile with clicks, whirs, and levers. The limited number of shots mean you take your time with composition, settings, and moment selection. The wait for the film develop builds an anticipation loop that's oddly enjoyable even when the images aren't that great. It feels antiquated, but that's much of the charm.

In this video, join veteran film photographer, Joe Greer, as he walks you through seven tips for shooting on film.

Rob Baggs's picture

Robert K Baggs is a professional portrait and commercial photographer, educator, and consultant from England. Robert has a First-Class degree in Philosophy and a Master's by Research. In 2015 Robert's work on plagiarism in photography was published as part of several universities' photography degree syllabuses.

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Load, meter, trigger

I did it in 1960... I stay digital....

Well done. I recently resurrected three old film cameras -- a Yashica Mat 6x6, a Miranda Sensorex and my trusty Nikon F4. In looking at my first rolls from each, I wish I had thought of your first tip -- the log. I would love to know at what settings I made the better images, but that information has gone to the dustbin of my memory.