Everyone has been waiting for the new Nikon D3s and D700 replacement cameras for what seems like forever. Nikon Rumors recently opened a whole can of worms as they released photos that the rumor blog owner stats as being 99% legit. However new speculations have come out from another reliable source over at DigitalRev. We here at Fstoppers aren't going to claim we know what the next Nikon DSLR will actually look like so instead we pose this question: Which version of the Nikon D800 do you think is more accurate and which one excites you the most? Check out the side by side comparison of both speculated versions of the camera below and leave your thoughts in the comments. I'd actually be more interested in the DigitalRev version but that's just me.

The Dig Rev account would be what I would expect.
I hope the Dig Rev account is the more accurate. 36 mgp is just stupid.
36mp is nonsense...and why would I need face recognition on a $3500 (or more) camera? Maybe It's just me...
For event photography I'd love to have face recognition (and even more facial metering for flash). As good as the af features have gotten, why not have a setting that focuses on the eyes or mouth when detected? I'd find that really helpful for weddings
I am actually so excited about facial recognition. If I could also have facial metering my life would be complete
I am so excited about this Digital Rev post. This camera turned from something I probably wouldn't buy to one that I will buy at least 2 copies of.
hopefully, 18MP is the way to go.... 35MP is just too big, pixel would be too small... it would make sense with what Nikon said earlier this year "We will balance MP and ISO performance"
Facial recognition, it would be nice but really, does it perfectly work? I think even during wedding it wouldn't be that great, I want to make sure my focus is in the eyes.. and group shot, you would have to disable it all the time... nah... not for me :)
The only thing is that I would like to have some assurance that the ISO quality exceeds or meets that of the D3s and that you could put a grip on it for extra FPS or it only will meet the quality of my D7000 with the full frame sharpness. I'm waiting to buy a D3 right now used, and I need the FPS for sports. We'll see what happens.
I agree that 36MP for anything above 3k is nonsense. The whole point of the Dxxx (3 digits) FF series is for prosumer and up, not pro. $3500 seems like a pro price tag to me.
36 MP is also stupid. The whole point is to increase resolution while decreasing pixel density for low light situations. Packing more and more pixels and we're back to square one. This ain't Hassy!
The fact that you don't think that the d700 which has the same specs as the d3 but in a smaller package is not a pro body and that the d300 is not nikon prosumer body pretty much dictate that your input is not required. Ever.
Hope the Digital Rev post is the real deal which means I will start saving up more than Im doing right now (for strobes) so that I can get my hands on this jewel asap when it appears.
I have hope again ! Kai @ digital rev, we want a D800 opening box video !
I hope the Digital Rev version will come true
Is it possible they're releasing two cameras? It would make sense to have a high MP (36MP) option for those who need it and another version, 18MP 6 (8) FPS with better ISO performance! Maybe they're switch up their lines a bit?
There have been a rumor about two versions of this body coming out... maybe.
If they release that 36mpx low iso thing they are screwed. The gap the D700 was filling will be left wide open (relatively low cost FX format with good iso performance).
If they go 36 mpx, etc... their will be the d7000, D800, D3s, D3x (which would get outshined by the D800)... makes no sens AT ALL.
The 18 mpx is alot closer to what would be a logical improvement on the D700. The nikon rumors one would be a good replacement for a D3x (D4 maybe)... Two version of the same body wouldn't be a bad idea exept it could confuse those customer with more money than knowledge...
I would not feel sorry for the customer with more money than knowledge if he gets confused looking at a camera in this price range.
The Nikon Rumors Specs always seemed a little bit high for me. I'd expect the Digital Rev specs to be more accurate.
Nikon isn't going to compromise their golden calf's (D3x's) sales just set.
There should be a 4th option on the poll - "It doesn't matter because we still can't buy either yet" #Bah #Humbug
Nikon Rumor specs read more like an update for the D3x - huge sensor, low fps, aimed more at fashion/advertising photogs. Why everyone jumped on it for a definate D700 replacement is lost on me, it just doesn't make sense. Digital Rev may still prove to be wrong when it's finally announced, but they seem a lot more realistic for this range of camera.
I'm interested in seeing what Nikon Rumors has to say about this...
Nikon Rumors just answered back saying:
"I think they are wrong, 100% wrong. There will not be a 18MP D800. There will only be a version with the AA filter. The D4 may be 18MP, but not the D800."
Is it me, or is F-Stoppers totally bias to Nikon? Not trying to be the bad guy here but shouldn't this be about photography, and not any particular bend? (For the record I use both Nikon, and Canon for the past 10 years... Heck, I still love shootin' with my old D100! lol) To me, I believe they both have their strengths... to me.) (I say this in response to: "EVERYONE has been waiting for the new Nikon D3s and D700...")
That's just because all the guys that run the site are Nikon shooters. So they pay alot more attention to what Nikon is up to, because it's actually going to affect them. If you want updates on canon, there are a million sites run by canon shooters (Cheesycam comes to mind)
Wasn't really shooting for info on Canon. I'm well aware of various sites covering different cameras. I just really, really like f-stoppers and what they do, so it was an honest question...
We don't have a problem with other manufacturers, we all just shoot Nikon so we don't know much about anything else :)
Lee, appreciate the simple explanation. You only know what you know, so thanks. BTW, keep doin' what you're doin' thousands upon thousands of us Canon and Nikon users love every bit of it! :)
I agree with your statement. I do not care for "brand" news. If you can't cover all the major camera news, then don't cover any of it and stick to photography, which is why I am here. Don't make it worse by covering rumors as news or photography (for any brand).
I am fine with major releases being reported. When you talked about the Canon 1Ds X release, there was some slight negative undertones in that post but here there is all excitment... in a RUMOR post for Nikon. Just silly and the kind of thing that will convince me to go elsewhere.
What about D400? I think that d800 will have 18mpx because 32mpx is too much for this class body. We'll see next week :)
At this point in the game it doesn't matter. I was waiting to get the D700 replacement but now I am just going to try and save for a D3s.
NO D800 but a D700s, 16 MP with VIDEO 1080P?
But a DM1 Medium Format at 35MP with 2 new lens f2.8 for it? :)
Nah don't think this will happen hehe but you know what? Until the body actually comes out, we're free to think what ever we want :)
Nikon is way behind Canon in Video...so either they fight back to head another direction... With the new C300, I'm not sure Nikon can really catch up here....
I would way prefer the digital rev version. 4 fps is so impotent in terms of shooting sports, other than curling.
That's what the d3s is for mate.
My original prediction has always been: D4 first, then affordable models. Historically, that is always what happens. We see the flagship first, then the affordable version comes within a year using the same sensor.
A D4 soon, and a D800 within 12 months of that, both using the same 16-18 megapixel sensor, makes the most historical sense.
But either way, I don't care if the "D800" has 36 megapixels or not. Because I know that sooner or later we WILL see an affordable version of the D4. Even if they decide to create a high-res behemoth now, eventually they'll have to compete with the Canon 1DX, and the likely chance that Canon will make a 5DX or similar camera as well.
And THAT is the camera I will buy, for the work I do. 16-18 megapixels, improved ISO and AF, dual card slots, for $2999. That's all I care about, and I couldn't care less about video.
My only real fear right now is, the fact that NikonRumor's version of the D800 *appears* to add quite a lot of physical video functionality that I am afraid will interfere with my still photography operation. Namely, the "REC" button right next to the exposure mode dial, and the change from a dynamic AF switch to a still/video switch. If Nikon truly is going down that path and embracing video+still in such a bold way, I may even switch to a 5DX if it rocks enough.
Though I too wish/hope that DigitalRev version is the accurate version, I have a LOT of faith and trust in what Patrick over at NikonRumors is saying and doing; I have a hunch he is probably right and he is pretty emphatic about it which he rarely is.
I think at this point I just need to have faith that Nikon is a smart company and they know what they are doing and will satisfy what the market is asking for which, is essentially, just a D700s
Dual SD or CF Card Slots (similiar scenerio to D7000)
1080/30p Video
Better stock battery life
You take everything that the D700 is, incorporate the above, and you'll sell that camera for the next 4 years while having difficulty keeping up with demand.. It's that simple..
I'm with you Jon. Although I think historically the rev with an MP update gets the X instead of the S.
Release the huge and slow d800 for the renewed megapixel race, then release a more sensible MP count rev of the d700 with 1080p at 60fps. No need for a new chassis design, just rearrange the back plate buttons for more video ergonomics and you're done. No need to alienate all the people with nikon glass that have been drooling over the canon 5D m2.
Way to go digitalRev! I also prefer from FAR the specs that they are proposing... Those were also the specs I had in mind when I was thinking about my next D800...So, when can we all buy it? JESUS LORD why can't a guy spend 3K when he really wants to?
Why wasting time on Prediction, we will see when it will be in market.
It sounds to different cameras to me, maybe its the D3s replacement and the D700.
Just my opinion, but I don't ever feel like this is a Nikon biased site at all. Actually I appreciate that the admins have said repeatedly that it doesn't matter what you shoot with (eg: iphone fashion shoot). I am personally a Nikon shooter but none of my clients would ever know the difference. That being said, I am pretty sure that there is nothing that is going to justify me purchasing the d800 over my existing d700. The minute difference in photo quality that I may or may not see before post won't be enough....
I will be buying this camera just to talk smack though.
video :)
Yes, video is the "killer-app" that this full frame camera needs, however rumor also has it that this cam is going to be costing in the neighborhood of $4K. At that price, one could purchase a brand new D700 @ $2600 + D7000 @ $1200 and still be ahead of the price of the D800 body alone. Worthwhile considering having nearly the best of both worlds...
I can't see that Nikon would put face recognition on a dslr of this level if any!
I would love a faster frame rate though somewhere near 8 or 9 fps.
I have a question re: anti-aliasing filters...
If there are 2 versions, one with AA filter and one without, which would you buy?
For those who choose the one without (which will be more expensive), at what price differential would you say "this is too expensive. Just gimme the one with an AA filter"?