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Fumi Nakamura's picture

First post!

I've written quite a few comments and critiques on posts in this group. Now it's my turn to be scrutinized! Feel free to be as (constructively) critical as you'd like.
Shot on a 5DmkIII and 50mm1.4 at 1.8, in a field of wildflowers at golden hour.

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Overall its a nice photo, most of the colors are placed correctly, eyes in focus, motion and emotion kind a in place. What disturbs me on the photo is that there is bit too much pink on her skin - i imagine how hard is to do that when there is so much green around, yet this doesn't look natural :( Additionaly, 50mm focal is bit hmm... bit too close to the subject causing unpleasant distortion on her face - i have a feeling like her face turned into some kind of "baloon" - don't know how to say that in english. This is however partially fixable in photoshop by Liquify. Last thing - interesting concept by rotating the frame I also tried that on one of my last photo, yet the biggest flower there looks weird as there are no known flowers to me that grows horizontally :)

That's my 5 cent, keep hard working and be better every day! :)

Thank you Pawel. I've been trying to put my finger on what was wrong with the color. I agree, skin is too pink. I also agree that 50 is a little too distorted. I'm currently saving up for an 85mm 1.2 as my next lens, but until then, my only prime is the 50mm 1.4. And I see what you are saying about the frame rotation. Truth be told, I rarely do this so it was more of an experiment for me. My color editing for this shot was a little more dream-like so I think it works for the feel I was going for.

Again, thanks so much for your C&C!