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Jay Schafer's picture

First shoot 1

This first time model was interested in lighting. I only had household lighting available so all the light comes from various LED bulbs in existing fixtures in the rooms I shot in. No editing other than cleaning up a few small spots in the background. Simply because I'm not there yet with software....

Comments, suggestions, tips, critique are all welcome.

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Various LED will give you strange Color Values.
I also see problems with Focus and Exposure.
Get some strobes you can also use as hot lights and PS

Jay, You've got to start somewhere....Keep working at it......Read books,Use You Tube......Great information there.

I think you have a good eye for looking to bodyscapes, which is a favorite of mine (though I'm no pro). I think the first one is the strongest, though I could see cropping the bottom third-ish that is less defined. I think bringing out more details in the third image could strengthen it - it's quite dark as it is. Considering the limited light you had, I think the first one in the particular is quite striking.

I love the idea to use a purple(?) gel for bodyparts.
What I miss are more clearly defined highlights. The first and the third picture may be a little too dark.