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Reni Sz's picture

Best day

Hi Everyone,

I'm quite new here and this is my very first attempt with outdoor portrait. I would very much appreciate your your comments and suggestions.

Have a nice day you all :)

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I like the lighting - you have good light on her face, and you have good implied motion. The stone street and stone walls fit well.
I believe the background is a distraction. Having a shallow depth of field to blur the background or a different angle to not show the group walking would have kept the viewers eye on your model and not wandering around the photo. I believe shooting from the left side with the stone wall in the background would have been better.
The model has a great expression and looks like she is having fun. Over all, I like the photograph.

Thank you Steve!

I agree with the background being distraction but I have to say those guys looking back actually add to the image lol

I like portraits that catch movement as they feel natural and fun. The flip in her hair and skirt look cool. Shooting in the shaded street was a great idea and served the portrait well. Her front foot looks a tad awkward, but overall the pic is great. Shooting with a larger f-stop would have been tough to get the model in focus since she is moving so the less-blurry background is a trade off. If you are of the mind you could retouch the photo to help the somewhat distracting background, but I like that two of the boys could not resist looking back at the gorgeous model.

Thank you very much for your suggestion Joseph!