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Rex Jones's picture

Boudoir with a 70-200mm. What!?

Believe it or not, I shot pretty much every single frame from this session with the 70-200mm. I would have never though to try that before yesterday, but it actually worked quite well! Sure, there were a few moments when I really wished I had a 50mm with me, but I just took that opportunity to force my self outside my comfort zone to try some new types of compositions that I might not have tried otherwise. This shot would be one of those 'test' shots. And honestly, I'm pretty happy with it!

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Very nice mixture of hard and soft light. Can I ask you what you used?

This was actually all shot using a single large window as the light source. :) Really, the only tricky part was figuring out how close to have the bed to the window, to have the light play out as desired.

Thanks! That explains the hard soft mixture. Bit of a shame though - if that was a modifier, I'd have bought one!

(The soft/hard made me wonder if you were shooting a bd and an octa aligned together Or two strips, one gridded...)

Haha, sorry, I don't have a studio light setup like that. Natural window light is my jam. I can tell you this though, if you were to try to shoot with similar light conditions, pick a time of day where the sun is on the opposite side of the building as the window. (i.e. this was the only window in the studio and it faces west. So we shot earlier in the morning when the sun was low in the east, to guarantee the softest window light possible.)

Thanks Rex - that's very thoughtful of you. Maybe you could get more shooting time by using a flag positioned so the model was in the penumbra? But I'm in the UK, so a studio has to have an amazing amount of glass before natural light is halfway reliable..

Thank you so much!! Yeah, it was definitely a new thing to try, but so far I'm happy with the results!

I've shot portraits and engagement sessions at 20mm, and I've shot landscapes at 300+mm (though neither frequently)

Point is, if it works use it! If you think you can't do it, try it just for the challenge some time .. as you demonstrated, the results can be great with a bit of thought and know how

Great shot :)

I honestly wasn't sure if it would work. Haha, I'm glad it worked this time!