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Kristofer Johnson's picture

Would love your critique!

Please offer any advice/criticism to make my photos better. I took this last night using my Sony a7R3 with a 1200mm lens. Adding two x2 teleconverters, I was able to get to 4800mm to produce this image.

Let me know what you think!

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You've got some great contrast going on at the edges, but the center could use a bit of spice (especially the Sea of Clouds and Ocean of Storms). It's a bit soft.

Try an adjustment brush and boost the clarity and touch with some sharpness.

Sure, It may not be as completely' faithful' as it could be, but it would give the (non-astronomer) viewer a bit more detail to explore..

I think you've captured my name sake very well. Nicely done with the darks and contrast.