Two iconic fall targets for astrophotography, Orion's Sword and M45 the Pleiades.
-----> added 3 more hours to Orions Belt and Sword, check out the difference!
Camera: Canon 6D I (unmodified)
Mount: CEM25p
Scope: 71mm APO Refractor 336mm @ f/4.7 (WilliamOptics GT71)
Time: ~ 2.5 hours each @ ISO1000 for Pleiades and ISO1600 for Orion
20 darks, flats, and 50 bias each.
Capture Software: Backyard EOS, PHD2 Guiding
Integration and Post Software: AstroPixelProcessor, PS CC
Wow! Excellent capture Robert! Congrats!
Even so with unmodified you got lot of Dust detail! Bravo
Stunning, Robert! How long were your subs for your light frames? Great detail without blowing out the Orion nebula center
Orion is a HDR composite using 15 second subs for the core, and 150s subs for the dust and rest of the image. I was able to get almost 4 hours more subs last night : ) So a revision will be coming soon, should be a lot better.
Funny you mention last night, I spent about three hours out as well capturing my first subs of this same area. Doubt it'll turn out anything like this with my 1 minute subs!
added a revision with an extra 3 hours worth of data : D
Great job in capture and processing Robert
Thanks Michael! Have already sold several prints : )
well I got about 5 more hours worth of subs to add to my M45 image. My computer is going to be tortured for a long time haha. Think I have close to 8 hours of data on it now for dark or semi-dark sites, all Bortle 4 or better.
The Flame / HHN to Orion was awarded Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day on Jan 30th 2019