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Andrea Re Depaolini's picture

Comment and Critique

Hi guys I would like to know your opinion on my shot and if you see any big problem on the focusing

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First of all, I would like to say that I'm an amateur in this kind of photographs.
A great photo! No problem with the focusing. But, I realized that the ground and the bushes are a little blurred. My personal taste says it would be good to dampen some light on the foreground and create more shadows around the bushes. The mountains I would also like to see a little darker. Then the beautiful Milky Way will pop up more and the details closer to the camera would not steal all my attention. With this adjustments the blur is fixed, and no more sharpening is needed.
Kind regards

"Foreground de-focus" almost never looks good. Unless it's an abstract part of the image. Here everything "should" be in focus. Also the foreground is too bright. It doesn't look natural. If you toned down the foreground you might get away with the unfocused foreground. As you might know the eye goes to the brightest parts of the image first and that leads to the unfocused parts. So you might want to rethink the technique . Other than that it's an incredible shot with lots of nice stuff and I really like the composition. Keep it up! 👊

This is def my kind of shot and what i am looking to do. I agree with carl its a little blurry. Would like more details on your settings? How did u focus? I would focus by putting iso up to the highest settings possible (125.000 iso) use liveview, focus then take a shot, check focusing. When u have got in go back to your original settings. The tree is lit great but there is a hot spot front. I am presuming that u used a light panel. If so u need a flag (pick of card to block the light from the hot spot). I have this problem too. I love the composition. U can probably fix the hotspot in ps but obviusly not the focus. Perhaps u could post the settings and any light u used?

I didn't use any light, it's just moonlit so I can't control it. I might try to tone it down in post

Wow, not sure then why there is a hot spot front, but if you tone it down a little great shot

great shot just a bit bright looks like 2 different photos when you get this bright you also lose the drama cut the bottom to about 30%-50% and i think you will have a really nice finish edit

Ok, I just learned something here. When looking at the photo on the page, the foreground is out of focus. But.. When I click on the image to open up the file, the image is sharper. I guess the FS website is introducing artifacts when compressing for the web. The foreground isn't super sharp as your aperture is constricting your depth of field. Since the foreground is a bit to bright, you could close the aperture to increase your DOF which would bring more of the FG in focus. That's if you have the opportunity to shoot in this location again. The words of my photography teacher is haunting me again. He always said, "Take a shot then change all your setting and shoot again and again. You'll never know if you landed the shot until you get to the darkroom". This was back in the 35mm film days. It meant two rolls of 36 exposure cassettes for one scene. Thank Gawd for digital cameras these days. It's a rule I still follow. I did just two days ago shooting a sunset in the city. I know I landed the shot with my first three photos but kept shooting while changing focal lengths, shutter, aperture, and a few exposure bracketing shots just in case I wanted to create an HDR image.

This is a great shot as it stands. You could crop out the bush the bottom middle bush and that could help with the foreground focusing issue. The Tree and MW are your boldest subjects that can carry the image all on their own.

It's absilutely awesome, especially, our galaxy.
In this picture you see comparing between big (galary) and small (tree).