At the end of a long day watching bisons in the Jaguey de Ferniz canyon, we decided to call it a day. While driving away we looked back to look at the sunset painting the hills in a soft pink color and there it was...The moon looking huge and extremely bright, it was only after we investigated further we found out it was called a super snow moon due to being the brightest moon in the 2019
January's moon was actually brighter (all the incorrect news reports notwithstanding - a few did later issue corrections when astronomers pointed out the error, but most did not). Although the full moon was slightly closer to the Earth's surface in February than in January, the Earth and moon were both 40,000 miles further from the sun during the full moon in February than they were in January. Total brightness of the moon is a function of lunar cycle, earth-moon distance, and moon-sun distance. The brightest moon until 2089 was in January about six minutes after the end of the eclipse.