Astrophotography isn't my main focus but I do occasionally enjoy it since the kids are asleep and it means I can actually get out to take some photos! Captured this image with my Sony RX100 M3 at f/1.8, 20 second exposure at ISO 3200. I took 150 photos that I then merged in Photoshop to get the initial star trails. Due to some cloud movement, the star trails were a bit spotty so I tried playing in post to try and make something of this photo.
Other then removing as much noise as I could in the blacks, I added a radial blur to the stars/sky. Since the radial blur filter's center point in Ps is limited to the images canvas, I had to expand the canvas size. I did this to get the radial center to line up as best I could with the rotation center in the photo. I then cropped back down.
LOve it!
I've never seen a star trail shot this long of a composite exposure. I think it looks really interesting, I really want to try and get this as a single exposure now.