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Kyle Foreman's picture

How Does This Image Stand Up?


Just looking for some feedback on this image. This was shot with a Nikon d3200 (not the greatest for night photos) at ISO 3200. I see all these images and tutorials on stacking photos in photoshop to reduce noise. I just used LR's noise reduction on this and I think it looks fine. I have a similar photo that I have done the stacking technique on and I'm not sure I can tell a difference b/w that and this. And this was much less tedious and time consuming. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Overall I like the composition.
I think your exposure time was a bit too long however, as I can see star trails, very noticeable on the sides and in the corners.
Furthermore I'm not too sure whether you focused on the platform or on the stars, I think the stars are not quite in focus ..
As for the noise, I think it is quite noticeable and somewhere in the top-left quadrant there is a bright red pixel that shouldn't be there.
You might take a look at this in order to fix that:

I like the colors and composition. I've just found an alternative to the 500-Rule if that's what you used: NPF Rule (https://petapixel.com/2017/04/07/npf-rule-formula-sharp-star-photos-ever...). The formula is based on your camera's sensor. For mine (5D Mark III) the exposure times are far less than the 500 Rule, are camera specific, allow higher ISO, less noise, sharper stars. Photopills has the formula built in so you won't have to perform the math.