I wasn't sure this was going to work but I think it came out better than expected. I don't know what I did wrong to get little small gaps in my star trails besides not using a remote shutter instead of my internal intervalometer. The intervalometer has to have at least a 1 second delay on my Sony a7iii. This was also my first time trying star trails with a telephoto. This was shot at 600mm in my backyard.
I kept the camera in the same place and waited for the moon to move out of frame then started my trail shots. I only did about 30mins for the trails. Then blended back in the moon into the trail shot. Might have to try this again sometime.
That's a great shot, well done.
Thank you!
Total Cloud cover for us. I sure am glad someone got to photograph it.
Great idea of taking your initial shot and then your star trails after the moon is out of frame.
Be sure to keep the interval timer to under one second if possible for star trails.
I know! The internal timer on the camera won’t go below 1 second for some reason? And I was too lazy to go inside and get my cable release.
Yeah. My research shows the options of 1 - 60 seconds for the Sony A7iii.
Canon R5 is 1 sec. to 99H, 59M, 59S with unlimited photos...or until the power source is depleted or the memory cards are full. Sheesh...why the limitations?
I know right! I don’t get it. I wish it could go down to like 0.01 seconds or something. When doing star trails the internal timer is basically useless.
Nice shot!
Out here in the desert sw, we have had two weeks of clear skies at night - except the night of the eclipse!
Aww man. That sucks, sorry that happened.
Eh, it happens. I've seen two full solar eclipses - full and a ring. I'm happy.