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Bram van Dal's picture

Model: John Geerts

Model: John Geerts
Photographer: Bram van Dal

Camera settings:
Shutterspeed: 1/250
Aperture: F / 1.8
Iso: 320
Lens: 85mm

Location: Popei in Eindhoven at Strijp-S.

If you know how to work with sunlight, you can also work with a studio lamp, but that also applies the other way around.

In this picture we are sitting by the window, on the left of us hang two curtains. Between these two curtains light enters the building through an opening. Also on the back of the model, light enters the building, which has the function of hair light / profile light for the model.

The powerful thing about this picture is not in the camera and the brightness of the light.

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1 Comment

I like it.