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Daniel J.'s picture

New Houston photographer looking for feedback and inspiration

Hey everyone, my name is Daniel J. and this is my first year as a photographer. I'd like some feedback, critique on these two B&W/Architectural photographs. Check out my profile to see more of my photos and to learn more about myself. Thanks!

Canon EOS 60D, 17-85mm lens

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Hi Daniel & welcome. You'll find this a friendly and helpful forum. I've found it amazingly so, considering what happens on the net.

The first photo for me is an unfinished symphony, of sorts. I like the basic idea, but I'd have probably made the windows parallel (i.e. negate perspective) in software, as it just looks a bit wrong or untidy. I append such an edit (which always loses some image area). It appears to be in colour, albeit of an all-white structure.

But that leaves a simple grid, a pattern, which after decoding that it's of windows, leaves the eye restless, with nothing in particular to hold attention. Such images can be very effective if there are people or other objects in some windows, or even streaks or corrosion to provide interest. David Koenig's book "Urban Elements" illustrates this very well.

The second image works well for me, including the asymmetric composition, and is the best in your portfolio. I'd try to make it, too, perfectly straight (I.e. verticals and horizontals true). Converging perspective can look good too, of course, but the first image is uncomfortably in-between.

Also, generally, technical faults are more obvious in architectural photography, especially of modern structures, like your first. There's some chromatic aberration, easily fixed in software (often automatically for jpegs). And front-to-back sharpness is more critical than in many other genres. Distortion (in curving of straight lines, a characteristic of almost all lenses) can be very obvious in this genre, again a software fix.

Just my personal views. :-)

Thanks for the feedback!