This is a photo from a recent photo session with model Shelly Booker. Originally shot in color with the train standing still, I would like comments on my use of photoshop to create the train in motion and the use of Black & White in the image.
As far as the motion blur, I think you nailed it. If you hadn't mentioned it, I would have assumed it was as shot.
My work is almost exclusively B&W, so of course, I love that, but I think the overall tone is maybe a little too dark for my taste. I also think the lighting on her face is a little too harsh, or maybe it's the post processing. I also wish you hadn't cropped her legs at the ankles. And I think there is too much train and not enough Shelly.
Thanks for posting!
Here's my suggestion for a nicer crop and possible tonal fix.
Phillip thanks for the suggestions