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Olen Hogenson's picture

please critique me community

canon 1ds m3
10 image pano

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At this resolution I can't see how the 10-shot effort is justified when you could have taken the image with one, or at most a couple of wide-angle shots. Or do you intend to print large-format panoramic prints?

By my calculation you could print an image of this 1295mm long with 1cm margins using 17" paper on an Epson A2 printer. I've printed a cropped landscape over 1100mm long this way from a single file made using a 55mm Nikon MF macro lens, and it bears close scrutiny. And I'm fussy.

Don't mean to be a downer here Olen, but genuinely curious about your motivation.

As for the image itself, IF the mountains are super-crisp, they contrast nicely with the gentle tones of the sky and the lenticular clouds. I think the foreground could be a bit lighter, and perhaps the sky itself as well, but that comes down to personal taste. I think Ansel'd approve of your tonalities as they are!

Perhaps you could crop off a bit more sky. (This crop would yield a pano over 1600mm long as above.)

as a lover of pano's and clouds i really like this my only concern is how dominate the upper sky is and heavy feeling i might try and lighten it up a bit and it may give you a better gradation from front to back