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Ruth Carll's picture

Black and White / Monotone Abstracts

I love black and white and I do a lot of abstract work. However, I find it challenging to combine the two. I would love feedback about these as well as to see some of your black and white abstracts in the thread. Thanks in advance!

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i actually like the first better in color but the B&W is strong too
the second doesn't do much for me
the third i really like with a background in carpentry i know what this is but the way the light is captured it makes for a great abstract

As always Joseph - thank you!

I liked the third one as well, that's why I clicked on the link, please let me know what you think about mine, if you get a chance? Thanks Joseph....

I do love the first and third photographies. Maybe in cropping a little bit, to get closer from the subject, could enhance the w&B effect. What I love is the way we don't know what photogaphies show. But the black takes to much place (first photo : left high corner of the photo ; third photo : left down corner). The second photogrpahy is more famous, more "expected". That's why the second photo does not work with the others which have their own and common mystery.

Thank you David! I appreciate your feedback!

Like Joseph I prefer your colour version of the first, Ruth. It may be because of David's point; the colour version shows softly glowing shadow detail spreading up into that top left corner, for instance, which is largely lost in the mono. Perhaps if you lightened the shadows that would help. I think the second two stand up well as they are, although again David has a point.

thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts! I appreciate them.

The third picture is what made me click on this the middle picture is just too blue I do like the first picture but the third one is for me here are some of mine let me know what you think?