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Bobby Wood's picture

The Essence of Nature

With these portraits I'm trying to see which portrait captures the essence of Nature better, because the Essence of Nature to me is the way the grass blades lay across one another or stands straight up against the light in the background. What does the Essence of Nature mean to you?

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I like these, Bobby! Bit of a change of style for you. I prefer the first; not sure why, but I think because it's simpler - perhaps closer to the essence. But I have no clue what the Essence of Nature might mean! I think it's an idea we project on to a messy world.

Hi. My name is Jerome. Both photos look beautiful. I like tue first one better because of the darker mood. I dont know if you could could get more detail out of the subject but I personally would like that. Just my taste. The second photo represents the essence of nature more in my opinion. Both nice shots. Thanks for sharing.

Wow! These are gorgeous! The first one also appeals to me. I think it is due to the reduction to bare bones: Lines, shape, tone. Its simplicity feels like 'essence' to me. Very nicely done Bobby!

If I could make a tiny suggestion for the first one, I would crop a little of the left side off. Both because the darkness here is heavy compared to the rest of the image and because the beautiful grass head is slightly off center and making it more firmly off center might appeal. Just thoughts. The image is gorgeous either way!