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Ruth Carll's picture

I Found an Old Boat

This old boat is sitting on a hillside in a meadow. It is totally rusted out and has a big hole in the bottom. It was late in the day and the boat sitting in a field with the setting sun captivated me. These are my favorites of the series.

Feedback welcome!

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Nice work, but for me, I like to shoot this type of subject with a wide angle (or a longer lens from further away) to give a sense of just how out of place the subject is in its environment. In this case, I’d want to amplify just how ridiculous it is for a boat to be in a meadow.

Great suggestion! I can go back to this place so I will try that. Now that I am trying to branch into more landscapey subjects, a wide angle has been suggested to me in a few posts. If any of you have a suggestion for an affordable but quality lens - I'd love to here it. I comb ebay for lens deals but I need to know exactly what I'm looking for and I'm not familiar with a wide angle.

I’m going to try today to make a post about the differences between wide angle and telephoto for landscape shots. It’ll be in the Landscape and Nature group.

I will be looking for that. I find your posts very helpful!

And it's done!

Like them all, Ruth! Especially the second, perhaps, with its abstraction, and the sweep of that highlight line. But the sheer boaty forms in the others have a tired old charm I love! You have an eye.

I note Phillip's comment. The longish focal length adds its own character - you wouldn't get the soft backgrounds nearly as easily with a wide-angle.

Thanks Chris!