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Ruth Carll's picture

And now for something completely different.....

This is the first nude I've ever done! Actually - it is the first 'person' subject. This was a joint effort with another photographer and I'm excited to hear what you all think. It is sooooooo out there for me!

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Fantastic capture, great job. Love the tones in this, very rich, great choice in form and composition. Can’t wait to see more!

Very nice pose and lighting. My eye is jumping a little to the black background, I think evenly cropping the top & bottom a bit will throw more attention back to the subject.

my wife is still unwilling to let me shoot nudes or pose for them so this genre is out of my reach but i think you had a great first attempt not sure what's going on with the stark black background but the pose is nice lighting is good but there is not enough detail in the shadows i don't know if your cameras range is too short for the shadow areas but it gets a bit fuzzy from right knee to navel pelvis and pubic should probably be darker in contrast you may have been a bit high on the subject as to have her under the horizon line which is almost dead center maybe try cropping down on the black i wouldn't crop up because the shadow is a nice touch hope you keep trying these its a nice change....a 16x9 crop works nicely

Hey Joe - thanks for the time and feedback. I wanted this to have 'yin yang' sort of feeling so, while there is a pool behind her, I took it out in order to create that split and centered the edge of the pool as the midline. Since two of you have already mentioned this I am guessing that this isn't the greatest idea! :)

I also like the idea that she is looking over her shoulder to an abyss. I am bummed that you could see the issue in the pubic area. She had a pretty significant bikini tan and I didn't like that it was so eye catching. I thought my attempt to get rid of it was better but you noticed this. ug. I do like the crop!

Thanks again!!

mask the area off then use curves adjustment to make that alteration then you can dodge and burn to get the right gradation im sure when Phillip gets on he will have more insight for you as well as this is one of his genres

Josephs crop idea is better than mine. From a design perspective having visual boundaries right in the middle of an image doesn't always work and can occasionally create difficulty in defining a strong subject matter. That being said, this is a very powerful image.

thank you Francisco! I agree with you about this crop and I appreciate your feedback!

I think your idea is just fine, Ruth! And this image doesn't need great shadow detail, to my eye. That might detract from a sense of mystery. Serious.

Fantastic effort, Ruth! I love the way you have the black at top, emphasising the sensuous curve of her hip. Love the pose. Love the shadow. Love it all! Very well done, let alone for a first effort.

I have to say I am pretty psyched! The next one that will go up is a high key. This is fun!

This is one image and I imagine that you shot several but liked this one the best, good. I like the shadowing and don't think it's too much. The pose, it's ok. Looking at this image I might have lowered the camera angle. Shot a littler lower. Maybe you did this. Also, maybe a littler closer, not much, but a little closer to the model. Maybe you did this too.

I've looked at this several times since you posted and I can say that I like it. It's good. Particularly for your first time. The more I view it the more I find it interesting.

Artistic nude photography like this is difficult. But, a good place to learn. Many years ago my first professional photography coach introduced (actually immersed) me to artistic nude photography. I learned a lot about style and composition. This genre is a good place to learn and develop a style. I developed a style that carried over to other genres.

Good job. Next steps... work on pose. Work on camera angle. Then work on lighting and shadowing.

Ron this is awesome feedback - both encouraging and with direction. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and time!

As an aside, I have a practice that I do to keep growing. I give myself challenges to shoot things that are outside of my 'norm' to break habits and learn new things. For example. I'll shoot only texture for a week, trying to get a great image by seeing what works and what doesn't. Then, when I go back to my wheelhouse, I find I do better because I see a texture detail that I might have missed. I have a list of about 20 topics and pick one ever once in a while. It makes me change lenses, look closer or further away, at color or shape,....

All this is to say that I agree with you about trying new subjects to learn new things that carry over to other genres!

Thanks again!