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Kyle Foreman's picture

Which Crop?

Hello everyone. This image is one I've been trying out different crops with and can't decide which one I like best. I'm partial to the 1st and 3rd one. The 3rd one is the full image with no crop. Anyways, just curious as to which one people prefer?

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I like the third (no crop). The depth of field is shallow enough to highlight the rope yet still get the context of its use. Without the boat, it’s a little boring, although the first may work as an abstract.

1st as an impact shot, 3rd for the story.
On the 3rd I would have liked to see the image if shot one step to the right to put the rope in the left of the frame.

Yeah, I wish the rope was slightly more left in the frame as well in that one. I was laying flat on the ground with my head tilted up which was very uncomfortable and didn't notice how centered it was until I got back to the computer.

Hi. For me image 1 with mellowed left corner grey. i like the the way vision is directed from left to right.

I really like this image, Kyle - your best yet! Great job. Your selective focus is just right, your tones rich and appealing, and you've captured the forms & textures beautifully in great light. I wish I'd taken it!

I prefer the uncropped version. To exaggerate my reactions, the cleat is pointing out of the frame too much in the first, and the area at right is a bit confused-looking. The second shows tantalisingly more of the boat, and then chops off bits, including that gloriously gleaming pulpit.

Contrary to Alan, if anything I'd like you to have taken the shot a from a little further left (prob. just a few inches), swinging right a little, to put the cleat further right, a bit like in the second image. But I'm not sure this'd be any better

Any one would be a winner, but I think you nailed it in the viewfinder. In the original, the appealing textures of the rope & cleat are plenty visible enough, with nicely OOF context. Be like Cartier-Bresson (and me...) and compose in the viewfinder. After all, cropping is for wishy-washy, indecisive people! ;-)

Thanks Chris! And I agree. I tend to stick with my original compositions more often than not. I usually took it that way for a reason.
