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Jack Scott's picture

Unknown Road

Hey everybody I'm new to this site and I was wondering if anybody could give me some feedback with my photos on whether you like them or not!! Thanks!

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Hi Jack, & welcome! You're off to a great start. They're both appealing images, especially the first, with its sense of mystery.

It might be interesting to get closer to the building as well, and perhaps show it at an angle, as a variation on your more formal composition.

Hope to see more from you. You should find this a stimulating and friendly site.

I really like them both. I would respectfully disagree with Chris, as I think the distance from the house creates an ominous feeling, which I enjoy. Don't know if that was your intent or not!

Great work

I don't know that we disagree, James! I do like the second image too, and you've put it well about the ominous atmosphere, which resonates with the first image - maybe this is where that road leads, etc.

As an interestingly weathered old building though, the cottage might lend itself to a different kind of image as well. I'm all for milking all the opportunities a site offers.