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Mike Young's picture

Old Image, new treatment - a tool to re-engage with photography

Not sure if anyone else has dropped out of photography and worked to get back to it. Thought I would use and old image to re-engage my photographic interest. What tips has anyone else got to get back into it?

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I had a long hiatus and returned to the fold around 5 years ago. Can't really even remember why I fell out of love in the first place. I have a bunch of unfinished, or even unstarted, projects that have been simmering away at the back of my mind and figure that now is a good time to actually do something about it.

Thanks PK, I found some inspiration on YouTube from people who discovered their love of creating images by focusing on where they like to be most of all and using that as a start point. I have just started to open my eyes and shoot anything that even suggests a shot - from that I am relearning the technical and creative aspects. Hope it is going wel for you.