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David Weiss's picture

I composed these.

What do you folk's think about these? Any comments for grown in this field would be helpful. Thanks!

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With all due respect, David, are these images composited or manipulated? Composing and compositing are different things altogether - the latter means combining different images into one. These look like absolutely "straight" photographs. If they ARE composited, you've pulled it off so it's invisible, but that's a lot of work when you can get the same effect in camera.

The composition of the two wine images is quite pleasing.

Irrespective of the manner of production, the slightly dark background creates a somewhat dull effect in all of them for me. I'd increase the exposure at capture, or the brightness in post, for all of them. The grey of the background is not a colour that generally suits food & drink imagery. Typically, warm hues are more "appetising" but cool colours can complement food, which tends to feature warm tones, very well.

I'd like to see more glint in the bottles, glasses and wine itself. This essentially comes down to the lighting, which is classically "flat"-looking or diffused here. I haven't attempted this kind of image much, but I think I'd be playing around with reflectors or other large light sources to catch highlights in the glass and reflections in the wine glasses.

I don't mean to be discouraging; you're clearly pursuing a vision, which is what it's all about. Maybe I'm missing something here.

Thank you, Chris, for the encouraging input I now see what you are saying. Again, Thank you!