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Tihomir Lazarov's picture

"Letter in a bottle" (story in pictures)

I've been working on that project for about 8 months and unfortunately I had to photograph the model indoors and create all the images in Photoshop. I say unfortunately because I prefer shooting everything in camera and compositing comes only if I don't have other options but I want to implement the idea (whether it's a personal or a commercial project).

In other words I focus on the story in the picture than in the means to complete it. However I used compositing in some of my images including all of these. I also created some miniatures and shot scaled models like the ship. The pier in the first few frames is a 1 foot miniature.

There's a 2.5D video in my profile for those who want to see it. Here's a quick link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaojwnxIPqg

A short BTS in my blog: http://wp.me/p14dL4-Mr (use Google Translate)

All this cost me less than $500 and I created it with an old (out of production) crop camera, 3-4 lights, imagination and lots of traveling (to shoot the backgrounds).

The purpose of the project — to drive new clients (as every personal project I do). Larger images are available on my website: http://lazarovphoto.com/story-letter-in-a-bottle.html

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Really cool project!

Thanks Brandon

Man this is just great!!!! Love the compositions all of them!

Thank you Mario.

This is great, really nice job. Thanks for sharing :-)

Thanks for the feedback Thomas