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Andrew Williams's picture

Another Drive-by Shooting

Last February we took a trip to The Green Dragon outside Ephrata and I shot six images as we drove past this guy working on the roof near Morgantown. The individual images were not as sharp as I would have liked so I did nothing with them at the time. Today I combined them, calibrating the overall merge by the worker on the roof and letting the rest of the scene shift around as the perspective changed while the car moved along. The underlying images were at 40%. The worker was clipped out of the top layer and made into the new top layer at 100%.

I wasn't thinking about it at the time, but this is related to the wraparound imaging technique seen here lately

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1 Comment

It almost has a painter-ly effect. Green Dragon is just down the road, but I haven't been there for many, many years. Hope you enjoyed your time there.