February challenge - a show of appreciation

With winter weather in the northern hemisphere making photography less conducive, the February challenge shifts focus—...

February challenge - a show of appreciation -1 of 2

With apologies to Alan for not strictly adhering to his suggested format... In yet another one an Alan’s great themes...

February challenge - a show of appreciation -2 of 2

Again with apologies to Alan for not strictly adhering to his suggested format... The second person I am often inspired...

Late Winter

Perhaps a bit late for our January challenge...... the weather I have been waiting for finally arrived in Vermont and I...

Blog post announcement - using ChatGPT as an analysis tool

Hi all. As we tend to be stuck indoors during chilly winter (northern hemisphere) weather I thought it might be worth...

Variant Technique

I've been working with multiple exposure images here for a while. Sometimes things get weird. A few fairly...

February choice: Ruth Carll

I am a Rookie in both the sense of "time-in-group" and "camera skill' as compared to Ruth Carll who, I believe, started...

CaFÉ & WESTAF's 50 Years, 50 Artists: A Celebration of the West

My photograph, "Quiet Time" was amongst the 50 selected. CaFÉ’s parent organization, the Western States Arts Federation...

And Now For Something Completely Different

For $29.00(US) I purchased a Twin-Lens Reflex camera from Amazon. The catch? It shoots 35mm film and requires a bit of...

One of my earlier experiment with heavy post processing

I thought I share some work here. This photo was taken in Rotterdam about 4 years ago. Heavily processed, it reflects...

January challenge - inclement weather

As it is becoming increasingly challenging to come up with monthly challenges that meet our true MAE criteria, I am...

Snow day

So today we finally received a period of prolonged snowfall during the daylight hours, allowing to travel to one of my...


We had some snowfall very early this morning, so I grabbed a couple of test shots from the front of the house. This was...

Blog addition - Christophe Jacrot

Just in case members did not see Jenny's update in the January challenge post, I have recently added a blog post on my...

January challenge - inclement weather

The morning after a snowstorm, we had fresh snow and clear skies! So, I spent some time chasing shadows from the low...

Old Stuff Reimagined

The weather was lousy enough for the last week so getting out with Harry would not happen. You do NOT want to be on our...

Travel photos

It was raining hard on and off most of the day and towards the end of the day, I didn't have my Sony. These are just...

Inclement weather

As I await our next snowstorm I've been going through some older images and thought I might share. Apologies if you've...

Seaside Gazebo

Trying out the "in the round" technique yet again. This time with a seaside Gazebo. I took the photos with the...

Another Drive-by Shooting

Last February we took a trip to The Green Dragon outside Ephrata and I shot six images as we drove past this guy...