It's been a busy month after starting the year with covid; then when the inclement weather hit here, our temperatures dropped to the lowest recorded in 30 years. I won't say what those were because some of you who live in really cold places will laugh at our temps. Anyway, so my inclement weather photos are what I did INSIDE while the inclement weather raged OUTSIDE – experimental, inspired by Dean's fun scene setups of the past, using my adult daughter's “toys” as she's into all things mushroom, fairy, whimsical, and oriental. I like all of them except I wasn't too thrilled with how the last one turned out. The reason for doing them at all was to really push myself to think through lighting. Also, I've been really, really wanting to get more into storytelling photos.
These are wonderful Jenny, I love the creativity and the fact that you're thinking outside of the frame (and my thanks to Dean for inspiring others.....).
I think your (obvious) efforts have paid off, my favorites are 2 & 4 (leaning toward 4 for the creative lighting). I love the way you have set up the scenes for each, all of which add to the story.
Just out of curiosity I am wondering how generative AI in PS might handle these scenes, perhaps by adding/removing/replacing objects. Could be a complete failure, but might be fun to explore.