With winter weather in the northern hemisphere making photography less conducive, the February challenge shifts focus—not on taking shots, but on recognizing the work of others.
This month’s challenge is simple:
1) View the portfolio of another member (past or present) and select an image that inspires you in any way.
2) Provide a comment on the image (rate at your discretion).
3) Share an update in this discussion, including a URL link to the image and an explanation of why you chose it.
The goal is for each member to highlight at least one other photographer’s work—ideally, recognizing and appreciating multiple artists.
With long winter nights ahead, I hope we can all take the time to celebrate our peers' work and gain insight into how our own photography inspires others.
To start the thread, I'd like to highlight the work of a long-time member—someone whose body of work continually inspires me.
Julian's photography captures meaning in both the environments he explores and the characters within them. This wonderful image is a prime example of that, providing an insider view into life in his adopted home of Myanmar.
Here's a link to Julian's portfolio entry (screenshot included as a bonus)
My next award goes to Dean Wilson. Dean's images are often well constructed and playful.
I think his image 'The Dinner Guest' (https://fstoppers.com/photo/609387) exemplifies his character, the shot a well-fitted Bio.
Dean's own words on the image reflect his meticulous attention to detail -
"I spent about a 20 minutes getting muscle-memory to know exactly how to sit, where to place the arms and hands, as well as the placement of the head to cast a shadow behind the candle."
Well done Dean!
Fab self portrait Dean! It has been fun to construct the story of what is happening in this image.
It remeinds me of the work or Hank Rintjema (https://fstoppers.com/profile/29431) who you might enjoy exploring.
Strong concept and execution Dean!
Didn't realize this was a self portrait at first. Really well done!
Thank you so so much Alan for your creative theme for this month (again!) and for your kind words.
I've been swamped with work and the difficulties here and have been feeling somewhat un-inspired to do much creating recently. Think that old saying of C. Marx; "The duty to produce destroys the will to create."
So your theme was just the push I needed to go back into the archives of the group and be inspired anew!
Lots of great work here and many people's work to discover and re-discover.
Thank you. 🙏
Just a reminder for those yet to participate, there is still time to check out the work of other members and show a little appreciation for what they do.
If unsure who those members might be you can check using the 'members' button underneath the banner, or better still select the 'Discussions' button and select a member that has been contributing to the group.
A key element of this group is a willingness to help and show appreciation to others, as we would hope for ourselves. Please participate if comfortable doing so.
Another way to explore some or all the contributions and the artists behind those images is to click on the Photos button and just brows until you find something that intrigues you. Then explore that member's profile and offering.
I promise you will discover some very inspiring offerings and perhaps connect with a member that you might not otherwise discover. 🙏
That's a great point Julian (BTW - I thought I had already responded to this, so if you see a duplicate.........)