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chris evans's picture


Creative Studio Photography and Lighting group seemed a good match for this ambitious concept shoot one Sunday afternoon in the studio.
I didn't have the luxury of my subjects holding the pose for several minutes while I messed around with set up. This was a 'just take the shot' and see what you get moment while Teta and Lex did their very best. Timing is everything when trying to capture a movement at the right moment, but in this case lighting was also very tricky. I set out to only use edge lighting which I hoped would give enhanced muscular definition whilst adding drama and a little mystery. The downside was always going to be uneven exposure across the shot but we pressed on. This was my first attempt at shooting tethered to my laptop which was then linked to a large monitor close to the back drop enabling the talent too see each shot and adjust their pose each time. In this case the talent, Teta and Lex is much better qualified to comment on pose and position for these kind of shots. All setting on manual using 2 strobes through narrow strip boxes each with a grid to prevent light spill onto the background. I had to drop down to my 24-70mm lens for this pose to make sure I got everything in fame. Working with such great talent is so inspiring it brings out the very best intentions in me because I don't want to let them down when they are putting on such an amazing display.

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Beautiful shot; nice work!

Great work!