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Ruth Carll's picture

A little help from my friends!

Ok - this isn't exactly on topic here but ... I made the finalist for NJ Monthly Magazine's annual cover contest with this. I can't change much as they did judge on the smaller resolution entry - now they need the high res version. The arrangement is specifically to leave room for the title at the top, etc. The reason I'm reaching out for quick feedback is that I have had trouble with blacks in the past. I am hoping to get some quick eyes on this to make sure that I don't have any issues - particularly in his suit. Any and all feedback welcome.

Thanks my FS friends!!

PS- The entry is called Last Look and the story is that, this is at the very end of the day of a storm surge and the light was going just as the last of the surfers were leaving the beach. I was packing up when I saw the fellow look back like "if only there was one more good wave" and I got this shot.

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Congrats! I don't see any issues in the black. It seems to be okay.

Hi Ruth & congratulations! Good image. Certainly captures the spirit of your title.

Despite the overcast-looking conditions, this is s fairly high-contrast image. According to my software there's a bit of max black (0.59% of the image area), and the rest of his suit is very close to max black, while the pale sky areas are close to max white. So you couldn't pull much detail out of his suit (I've tried), and in print I reckon virtually all his suit will be silhouette black, which is fine for the purpose. The contrast adds to the graphic impact.

I think the capture of the (decisive) moment is the essence of this image. I think you will get away with crushing the blacks - with the guy wearing a black wet suit this might be expected by the audience (perhaps less so for any purist photographer viewers).

For me I see enough detail in the blacks to understand the form, the mood and message outweighs the need for detail in telling the story.

Congrats on the win!

Thanks to you for your help. I love this group!