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Arthur q's picture

Forest Buzzard

Pentax 3 cleaned up in Photoshop.

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Hey there Arthur. Nice and simple image. But for me seeing it bottom left feels unnatural. Personally I would placed him top left so he was making a dive for that rabbit. Maybe changed the format to landscape instead of square. The contrast is excellent.

Thanks Paul, I have been thinking about the placement but if I change it the perspective of the bird looks wrong.

I turned my head 90 degrees. But no longer then 5 seconds because it hurts.:) Like I said, it's a way I would, but I get your point. The blue matches perfectly.

I would respectfully disagree with Paul. Whereas not a great photo, I like the different perspective that we don't often see. The natural flight of the bird is amazing in itself and the perspective tells me it's overhead, soaring.
