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Alan Brown's picture

Rockport fog

OK, to further the discussion about experimentation..... here's a series of images I took at the Harbor in Rockport, Maine. The dawn fog had not yet lifted and I was keen to experiment with varying degrees of ICM.

Rather than produce the more blatant ICM images I may have done in the past (reducing the subject to a mere essence) my goal was to be a little more subtle.

Being so subjective I am expecting there to be a variety of responses, but I'd love to hear your feedback (good or bad) in general, and if you have any preferences.

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Thanks George, does that mean you like it the most or the least (or not at all)? The suspense is killing me....... :-)

I'm more partial to the second. There's always something appealing to that calming dreamlike signature that your shots showcase. The first is a little too contrasty and dark and leans more towards an overcast day than a foggy one. The third is more jarring in its presentation and doesn't have the peaceful impact of the second as the fog seems to envelop the boats.

Thanks Bruce, that’s really helpful. I’ll have to take another look at #1 as compared side by side it does need more work.