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Jennifer Wise's picture

Sudden Sky

Over the summer, I went out on a clear-sky late afternoon looking for subjects to shoot. When I got back home, puffy clouds had blown in with absolutely gorgeous colors and textures. Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA

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Wowzers! Very nice indeed.

Thanks, Hank. I appreciate you looking and taking the time to comment.

Love the sense of power and that glow, Jennifer.

I do find your watermark quite overpowering, spoiling the overall effect, though, in case you're posting here for CC.

I do uhderstand that you have commercial reasons for using it, as a pro.

Hello Chris! I agree, but here's the problem - once you have an image "stolen," it makes one paranoid. I had to watermark in "strategic" areas to help prevent it from happening. On the otherhand, if I reduce the size/resolution/etc of the photos in order to post, then I receive comments on how the image needs improvements in the areas that were sacrificed for posting. In the end, it's confusing.

Wonderful image Jennifer. The colors and contrast are perfect

While I do understand the reasoning I have to agree with Chris on the watermarking. I typically upload a 500K image and can't say I'm concerned about theft - then again it's not how I make my living so can definitely understand....

Very pretty. With additional contact information, this could be a successful business card concept for your fine art images.

Great idea, Robert! Thank you for taking the time to post it. I will definitely consider it.